While the abbreviations SPQR and PP are widely used and known, OB C S is much rarer on coins. The award stood for “ob civis servatos” and was given for saving the life of a Roman citizen. Prior to the accession of Claudius, the Praetorians murdered almost the entire imperial family. Seemingly spontaneously, they then proclaimed Claudius the new emperor, who hid during the massacre. Claudius pardoned most of the assassins, and order was restored in the principality. The OB CIVIS SERVATOS could therefore refer to the pardons, but it certainly also applied to the many lives saved by averting another civil war to determine the new ruler of the empire.
This Aureus will be auctioned at Patrick Guillard in the E-Auction 5 on October 23rd starting 15:00 under Lot Number 10. The starting bid is 12.500€.
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